What The Coronavirus Has Taught Ghanaians about working online?

Published June 29th ,2020 at 10:54pm General

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Credit to unspasl.com
The Coronavirus outbreak which started late in the year 2019 in a market in the Wuhan province, China has struck the whole world. It has been classified as a pandemic and has claimed over two-hundred lives worldwide.
Many countries took the lockdown approach with the hope of reducing the spread. Citizens of many countries were not happy with the government's approach to this situation despite the fact that people are dying from the virus.
Ghana lifted its ban earlier than expected and according to the opposition party National Democratic Congress (NDC), the decision was politically motivated.
Enough of that, let's jump onto the lessons this outbreak has taught Ghanaians.

1. The adoption of e-learning applications:

Over the years, Ghanaians were not embracing the use of online platforms to study. Many preferred to go to physical classes. Since the government placed a ban on schools due to the Coronavirus outbreak, a whole lot of people have started embracing the use of online platforms to study. TV stations were hosting programs to help teach the students whilst they were at home. Other companies are also developing applications to help students purchase courses online.

2. Freelancing:

Workers were made to stay home to contain the spread of the virus. Many people lost their jobs since they declined to show up in their respective workplaces when their companies needed them. People started to find out means through which they can make extra income all by working from home. That is what freelancing is about. It is about working at your own schedule at any point in time from anywhere on the planet. Owing to the pandemic, many Ghanaians have now considered freelancing.

The above are some of the positive aspects of the virus to the Ghana republic. The time has come for us to embrace all forms of services served through the internet. Many advanced countries are leveraging on the power of e-learning and freelancing to improve their economy and way of life.

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