There are two main divisions of modern web development. We have the front and the back ends. In this article, I will be talking about the front-end concerning how one can shorten his/her time to learn and become a pro.

- 1 - Basic structure of a web page
- 2 - HTML file extensions (.html and .htm)
- 3 - Elements (tags) & attributes, inline & block elements
- 4 - What goes into the head tag
- 5 - What goes into the body tag
- 6 - What is an empty element and a non-empty element
- 7 - What are relative & absolute URL, directories, and files
- 8 - How to include media on a page (images, videos, audios)
- 9 - Nesting in HTML & Semantics (header, nav, footer, aside, article, section, main), forms, tables
- 10 - Linking webpages
- 1 - Basic CSS syntax
- 2 - How to include CSS on a webpage (internal, external and inline)
- 3 - Selectors, properties and values
- 4 - Common properties (width, height, text-align, color, font, background, position... etc.)
- 5 - Units and when to use them (vh, vw, px, %, em ... etc.)
- 6 - Layout properties
- 7 - Basic flex properties(flex, align-items, justify-content, flex-grow)
- 8 - Ways of implementing colors
- 9 - Responsive web design (@media rule)
- 10 - Display techniques such as showing a list of users, using a float property, clearfix, and a few others
- 1 - Basic syntax
- 2 - How to include JavaScript on a webpage
- 3 - Variables (numbers, strings, arrays, objects) & scope
- 4 - Operators & Comparisons
- 5 - Conditional statements & switch
- 6 - Control structures (loops)
- 7 - Functions
- 8 - Callbacks, Async and Promises
- 9 - Communication with the server (AJAX and fetch), events, date, JSON
- 10 - How JavaScript works, Document Object Model, Window Model
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